
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Spices, Spices and more Spices!

Sadly to say I'm just now getting into spices, I need to start developing my pallet so that when I eat something I can I taste all of the the different flavors. In the next few weeks I will be taking a field trip to Lee Lee's market, it is one of my favorite places to go. It is a huge international market (check my earlier posts there are pics) I never used coriander and everyone is using cardamom pods. I will set aside 100 bucks and and go on adventure and the best thing about Lee Lee's is that their meat prices are so low!

I could spend all day there. I love ethnic foods I'm so dying to to try Caribbean, Greek and other ethnicity's. There is a section in Lee Lee's that sell whole cooked duck (with the faces on) and roasted pork and i have to say that was the most delicious pork I have ever tasted, it was moist, tender and so succulent I'm looking forward to getting more.

My neighbor gave me some dried peppers if anyone can give me any ideas on what to with them, they are large and reddish black. I have a question, can a person really get into ethnic foods and have a dislike to really spicy food? I went to Indian restaurant and the food was really spicy and I really want to try Thai food and I want to enjoy the flavors and not have my mouth on fire.

Any words of advice are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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