Yesterday I had one of the best days since I moved to Arizona, me and a couple of friends went to Lee Lee's market it's a chinese market but it has foods from all over the world. I walked around that store for over 3 hours looking at everything I could lay my eyes on, my friends even told me they tried to yell to me but I was in a daze! Some no most of the food I had no idea what I was looking at it was either in another language or I just could not read it.
When you walk into the store you are hit in the face with this smell of fish, veggies, curries and smell I was not familiar with. There were tons of fish meatballs, cuts of beef and actual tanks with fresh lobster, tilapia and catfish I haven't seen that since I left bean town but with 10 bucks a pound for the lobster maybe some other time. And I was this close to buying a cows tongue lol.
But I did bring back a whole roasted duck with the face on, and ton of other products I can't wait to try.
Now I thought I would get some ideas for new recipes but I was so fascinated in everything I didn't get any ideas.. oh well I guess I have to go back.
If you are in the Chandler area of Arizona and love the flavors of other cultures I highly recommend this place!
1 comment:
I live in Arizona as well...Gilbert..and we love Lee Lee's. And not sure if you have ever had Dim Sum, but you can get that catty corner to Lee Lee's at a place called C-Fu Gourmet everyday. It's awesome ...authentic chinese food.
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